Next Market
Saturday 7th December 2024
Adamstown Uniting Church – Memorial Hall
Cnr Brunker Rd & Glebe Rd,
Adamstown NSW.
Doors Open to the public at 8.00am
Gold coin donation.
Stallholder Application Page
Large Stall Cost $50
Small Stall Cost $35
True Vintage Markets are designed to specialise in vintage clothing, jewellery and accessories, toys, kitchenalia, glassware, tableware, ornaments and artefacts. All items must be pre 1994. Vintage 30years.
NO large items or large furniture.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided for stallholders.
There will be a Gold Coin donation for the public to ensure genuine vintage customers.
Large stall $50 (3m wide x 2.4m deep)
Small stall $35 (1.8m wide x 2.4m deep)
1.1 True Vintage Markets (TVM) are held in doors.
1.2 TVM will go ahead regardless of weather unless it is deemed extreme or dangerous. You will be notified if TVM is cancelled as early as possible.
1.3 Sale items must be vintage. Vintage is 30 years and older. Currently, that is pre 1994.
1.4 Applicants are approved based on the description of your items in your application and that you have read these Terms and Conditions.
1.5 TVM reserves the right to accept or reject applications for stalls.
1.6 The total number of stalls available at Adamstown Church Memorial Hall is 15. This includes 4 stalls located in the foyer.
2.1 Bump-in time 6.30am. Bump-in must be completed by 8.00am.
2.2 Bump-out time 1.00pm. Bump-out must be completed by 2.00pm.
2.3 TVM is open to the public from 8.00am – 1.00pm.
2.4 Size of Stalls – Large 3m wide x 2.4m deep, Small 1.8m wide x 2.4m deep.
2.5 Stall holders can apply for up to 2 stalls. There is no discount for multiple stalls.
2.6 Stallholders are permitted to have clothing racks and/or tables, all of which must fit into the parameters of the stall space.
2.7 Stallholders will supply their own clothing racks.
2.8 Stallholders will supply their own tables no larger than 1800mm x 750mm (1.8m x .75m)
2.9 If you have a specific stall setup, you should bring that, as long as it fits into the parameters of the stall space..
2.10 Two people are permitted per stall, chairs will be provided.
2.11 Stall numbers are limited and hire is based on a first in, first served basis.
2.12 Stallholders are not permitted to pack-up or leave TVM until the arranged Bump-out time.
2.13 All rubbish must be removed. Stallholders must remove all their rubbish, boxes and any debris. No unwanted items are to be left on the premises.
3.1 Stalls are to be professionally presented and be clean and tidy. Table cloths or coverings are highly recommended.
3.2 Stallholders must setup their equipment in a safe manner and ensure their site is safe.
3.3 Please ensure that there are NO trip hazards.
3.4 Public access must be kept clear at all times during opening hours. 8.00am – 1.00pm.
3.5 Any light fitting, lamp or electrical product MUST have a current ‘Passed Test Tag’ attached to it for testing at TVM and can only be plugged in for testing after checking with TVM organisers.
3.6 If the item does not have a ‘Test Tag’, then the item can only be sold “as is” and will not be tested on the premises.
4.1 Stallholders agree that True Vintage Markets and Adamstown Uniting Church are not responsible for any loss or damage to any items, including personal belongings, stock and displays at TVM and that stallholders display their items at their own risk.
4.2 Stallholders can have their own insurance to cover any loss or damage of any items, including personal belongings, stock or displays and will pursue any claim through their own insurance policy.
5.1 TVM will go ahead regardless of weather conditions, unless deemed dangerous. No refunds will be given if the stallholder does not attend TVM.
6.1 Stallholders give consent to TVM to take photos of stalls and displays. These photos will be used for promotion of subsequent markets.
6.2 Please inform the organisers, PRIOR to TVM, if you DO NOT wish your stall to be photographed on the day.
7.1 It is in the best interest of stallholders to promote and share TVM via social media and any other means. Stallholders can submit photos and captions for the Facebook page via Messenger or email to and the organisers will add them.
Application Form
Use this form is to apply to have a stall at TVM, however, this does not constitute the booking of a stall site.
We will contact you at the email address you provided in this form with regard to your application, process for booking and payment for a stall site, if your application meets our TVM criteria.